
Footnote provides a range of innovative business solutions and services that assist organisations to achieve WHS legal obligations and sustain best in class work health and safety practices.

In addition, management leadership programs are specifically designed to meet organisational needs and build a desirable culture that will assist in enhancing the reputation of each business and organisation.

Programs and Services

The following provides an overview of programs and services available. Additional and unique needs can also be met as determined by each client.

Management Coaching

To assist leadership teams and individuals to meet WHS/OHS legislative requirements and best practices, leadership support and coaching is offered in a way that meets clients needs.

Onsite and remote services include:

  • Facilitating committee meetings
  • Running staff or toolbox briefings
  • Undertaking risk assessments and implementing corrective actions
  • Designing strategic plans
  • Other leadership tasks.

WHS Consultancy

Specialising in the development of safety management systems, Footnote can assist you to establish the requirements defined with tender arrangements, preferred supplier/contactor specifications, and certification standards relevant to occupational health and safety (eg: ISO45001).

From policy development to training and support services, all features of effective safety management systems can be developed.

Workplace Auditing

Internal audit program development and support is provided as a key strategy to assist business to identify opportunities for improvement and measure strategic goals. By providing independent auditors to assist businesses and organisations, footnote provides unbiased and objective audit findings based on industry best practices and established benchmarks.

In addition, supplier and contactor auditing programs are available which enable businesses and organisations to review quality and safety performance levels against internal contract/supply requirements, legislative obligations, and/or industry best practices.

Customized Training Program Materials

Customized materials for internal and external training programs can be developed to suit the specific needs of each client.

Programs may include:

  • Site Induction Programs, both online and/or face to face
  • Verification of competency programs
  • Emergency responce course materials
  • Effective management practices
  • Units of Competency (stand-alone or clustered programs)
  • Plus many other options

Materials Include:
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • White board animations and other training videos
  • Lesson Plans
  • Knowledge and skills mapping documents
  • Competency based assesment materials
  • Stand-alone training programs and/or modules for learning management systems
  • Other requested outcomes

Policy/Procedure Devlopment & Review

A full range of WHS/OHS policies or individual requirements can be developed in consultation with key stakeholders to suit organisational needs and meet legislative requirements.

In addition, instructive procedures are developed to ensure safe, efficient, and effective work practices. Examples include:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)
  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS’s)
  • Job Hazard Analysis (JHA’s)
  • Safe Work Instructions (SWI’s)
  • Other similar documents

Policy/procedure legislative and suitability reviews are conducted according to client needs. Formal findings, along with clear recommendations, are communicated to clients and required document design changes and content updates are also provided as a service.

Risk Assessment/Management Services

Site risk assessments aimed at establishing organisational risk profiles and/or individual hazard-based assessments are conducted in consultation with invested parties. Formal findings, along with clear recommendations, are communicated to clients and required actions are supported by means of a professional coaching service where required.

Examples include:

  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS’s)
  • Job Hazard Analysis (JHA’s)
  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA’s) reports
  • Other similar processes.

All services are customised to suit client's needs and expectations.